Saturday, 30 April 2016

  Dapto High School Reunion

 Saturday 15th October 2016
5pm Start Dapto Leagues Club

To reserve your spot please pay $40pp to the following

NAB account
Name: Dapto High School Re-union account
BSB: 082916
Acct No: 806605340
So we can identify who has paid, please put your First & Last name (maiden name for the ladies)
as the description e.g. Sandra Martin, or you can put your nickname and last name e.g. Ooboo Brown.
Prepay only - no paying on the night due to catering
All Monies to be received 15th October 2016
The Reunion is for students who were in
1972 1st form      1973 2nd form    1974 3rd form
1975 4th form     1976 5th form      19776th form - on the organising committee is
Sandra Martin, Sue Moore, Jeff Masters, Peter Gavin, Ann Gavin
Peter Davies and Cynthia Burnett.
Facebook : Daptohigh.Reunion or

If you were in any of these years you are WANTED and we would like to hear from you, drop us a line at - on the organising committee is Sandra Martin, Sue Moore, Jeff Masters, Debbie Rutherford, Peter Davies, Cynthia Burnett, Peter Gavin and Anne Ketteringham
 A couple of photo from the 2013 reunion night Click here 


  1. Hi,
    This is a great start - looking forward to some pics

  2. Will be great to see everyone

  3. Can't wait to see everyone. Bring it on I say!

  4. Hope Ladmores not there I haven't done my homework

    1. Well there is still time to get your homework finished or your punishment will be to write on the blackboard - "I must do my homework on time". Should we invite Ladmore just for you?

    2. Last time I saw him he had a papershop at Old Bar near Taree.
      It would be great to see him.

    3. do you remember Mr Ward from maths

  5. Do you have a number of people already accepted ?
    Are there people you are having trouble finding?

  6. There are about 60 coming so far and yes we still need to find around another 200 or so... is Anonymous going to let me in on who they are - you can always just email us at - that way you don't have to create a login etc as with facebook. Are you going to attending?

  7. I was wondering when this would happen it would be great only found out through old and still friends after 45 years and that was from primary if you can still do your maths

  8. Great that the word is getting out there,, I also have a 45yr+ friendship from school and hopefully my maths is OK,, and it is 41yrs since we started High School..

  9. Our Facebook page has over 60 friends that are all in our year at DHS

  10. We have contact a few of our Teachers from Dapto High School - so fingers crossed, real high tech stuff, they will be at the reunion :)

  11. Can you please post a list of those attending?

  12. Dose any know or remember Karren newland.Fowlers rd dapto high school 1978.
    Steve43von@gmail.Com . Please email me.Thank you

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